Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mycobacterium leprae

Leprosy Mailing List – May 16th, 2011 
Ref.:   Mycobacterium leprae
From: Grace Warren, Sydney, Australia

Dear Salvatore,
I have seen a number of newspaper articles recently regarding the leprosy bacillus.  It is stated that a new strain of M. leprae has been discovered in the armadillo. As you well know for years we were taught that there was only one strain of M. leprae.  So I write to you to ask that someone give us a summary of the true facts.  Articles in papers and on the web do not always give the practical truth.
One paper says it cannot be passed on to humans.  Another says it can and one article says that in “America some people have one strain and some the other” implying that the armadillo strain can affect humans.  Though another article states it does not.  One article says the two strains are in South America and imply that the armadillo strain is transmitted to humans in S America. 
 I would love to have a bit more true information.  Thank you very much.
Grace Warren
Previously adviser in Leprosy and reconstructive surgery for The Leprosy Mission in Asia (1975-1995)

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